Another error has surface to hunt Typepad. Typepad has still not able to resolve the problem currently. You will not be able to connect to your Facebook as it will prompt an invalid account on your Typepad. If you attempt to fix the session, it will just loop you on the Add Accounts Page without adding the Facebook Account. Typepad Technical Staff has advised to try on different browser to see whether itwill resolve the problem. This is not a solution but just a way to push subscribers off their way and buy some time for their technical staff.
It is most likely the issue will not be resolve this weekend as we are entering the Easter Holidays. I am beginning to loose confidence in Typepad as their technical staff are slow at resolving technical issues especially since Typepad Pro users are paying premium for their service.It looks like free blogging service by Blogspot offered by Google is much beter than Typepad. Please get your acts together Typepad before you start to lose customers.
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